Axel Springer and kaufDA founders will fund mobile shopping platform Retale with additional $12 million

Investment is part of a $18 million fundraise for Retale’s parent company, Group

CHICAGO/BERLIN (May 04, 2015) – Retale (, a location-based mobile platform connecting more than 3.5 million shoppers with their favorite major retailers locally and based on the German kaufDA business model (, today announced it has secured $12 million in funding from its existing investor base among which Axel Springer SE, the leading digital publisher in Europe, holds the largest stake. The funding for Retale is part of an overall $18 million shareholder investment in Group (, Retale’s parent company and an international leader in web and mobile advertising solutions for retail. Axel Springer’s investment is part of its already announced plan, made in March 2015, to further invest in the international expansion of Group, most notably in the U.S.

“In the U.S., retail circulars are a staple of the print media industry,” said Christian Gaiser, Chief Executive Officer and founder of Group. “However, as mobile adoption continues to flourish, consumers are increasingly migrating to digital channels for in-store deals and discounts. Retale is at the forefront of this evolution, enabling retailers to navigate new digital terrain, and we feel strongly about the potential for future growth.”

“Axel Springer’s investment in Retale underlines the extraordinary growth potential of the category, as well as our unique ability to facilitate it through our own platform,” said Pat Dermody, President of Retale. “Circulars are increasingly consumed digitally and the support will enable our business to scale as needed to accommodate the demand we are seeing from consumers and retailers alike.”

Retale replicates the print circular experience in a digital format, providing shoppers with access to in- store deals and promotions through the Retale website and mobile app. All information is location- based, making it possible for shoppers to find the right deal at a store nearby. For retailers, Retale provides new opportunities to reach circular readers who are migrating from print-to-digital, as well as a new generation of shoppers who are more likely to shop in-store while using smartphones or tablets to support them.
As the demand for digital circulars and mobile adoption continue to grow in tandem, Retale has experienced impressive growth since its October 2013 launch, with more than 3.5 million users in just over a year. To meet the demand for circulars through its platform, Retale has grown its retail partners by more than 664 percent, representing over 130 of the country’s largest retailers, including JCPenney,

Kohl’s, Target and Toy“R“Us. In a recent study, nearly 75 percent of smartphone users claimed to have viewed a retail circular in the past 30 days, with 50 percent of those doing so on a mobile device. The findings confirm a strong and rapid digital migration path for the traditionally print-based retail cornerstone.

See also TechCrunch: Axel Springer and kaufDA founders will fund mobile shopping platform Retale with additional $12 million – Investment is part of a $18 million fundraise for Retale’s parent company, Group…

First international reference book discussing theory and practice of location-based services for retailers' future

Introduced today: First international reference book discussing theory and practice of location-based services for retailers' future by leading German retail experts Prof. Dr. Heinemann and Christian Gaiser (CEO group/kaufDA)

More… – in German:

More… – in English:

Prof. Dr. Gerrit Heinemann (left) and Christian Gaiser, CEO group/kaufDA (right)

Prof. Dr. Gerrit Heinemann (right) and Christian Gaiser, CEO group/kaufDA (left)

Retale (kaufDA) – Extensive Coverage in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, TechCrunch, Forbes and AdWeek...

What an incredible week for (the U.S. version of Germany's kaufDA ): 

Extensive Coverage in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, TechCrunch, Forbes and AdWeek...


Coverage – all articles:





THE WALL STREET JOURNAL Group schafft Ressort Institutionen und Handelsverbände Group mit kaufDA und MeinProspekt schafft Ressort Institutionen und Handelsverbände – Handels- und Wirtschaftsberater Marc Biadacz übernimmt Leitung als Direktor Geschäftsbeziehungen

Berlin, 24. Februar 2015 – Die zur Axel Springer SE gehörende Group mit den deutschen Marken kaufDA und MeinProspekt bündelt ihre Aktivitäten im institutionellen Umfeld des Einzelhandels und schafft ein eigenes Ressort für Institutionen und Verbände. Unter der Leitung von Marc Biadacz, der vom 2. Februar 2015 an die Position des Direktors Geschäftsbeziehungen verantwortet, soll der Dialog mit  führenden Eigentümern aus dem stationären Handel und Entscheidern des Verbandsumfeldes ausgebaut werden. Der neue Fachbereich soll die Gattung „Digitale Haushaltswerbung“ fördern und das Profil der Group als führende mobile Lösung für den lokalen Handel stärken.

Christian Gaiser, Gründer und CEO der Group: „Die Rolle von Smartphones und Tablet-PCs bewegt auch das institutionelle Umfeld. Ich freue mich daher sehr, Marc Biadacz in unserem Team zu begrüßen. Mit ihm konnten wir einen bestens vernetzten Spezialisten gewinnen, der die Profilierung unserer Marken kaufDA und MeinProspekt vorantreiben wird. Sein Netzwerk auf der Ebene der Eigentümer und Verbands-Entscheider wird wertvoll sein, während die Group auch in Deutschland weiter wächst.“

Marc Biadacz kommt von der Kommunikationsagentur Straub & Linardatos, deren Stuttgarter Büro er leitete. Zuvor war er verantwortlich für die strategische Planung und Leitung des Büros des Oberbürgermeisters der Stadt Sindelfingen. Als Berater war er unter anderem für die Daimler AG tätig. Seit 2014 gehört er ehrenamtlich dem Stadtrat in Böblingen an. Marc Biadacz ist Lehrbeauftragter der Universität Stuttgart, wo er sein Studium der Sozialwissenschaften erfolgreich absolvierte.

Quelle Pressemitteilung:

Presse-Bildmaterial Marc Biadacz, Direktor Geschäftsbeziehungen, Bonial International