Group continuing expansion course to Norway

Norway as another strategic market for the Group  • brings digital retail circular for Norwegian consumers with location-based mobile app and website, addressing shift in media consumption from print to digital  • Group now in 11 countries

Oslo, September 16, 2015  – The Group (, the leading international provider of digital circular advertising and part of German media company Axel Springer SE, announced today its expansion into Norway with the launch of ( provides a mobile app and website that gives Norwegian consumers a digital alternative to print circulars. The digitized format pulls local retail circulars based on the user’s location, allowing shoppers to simply select, search, browse and share the circulars they find interesting.

Aiming at top retailers from across the country, replicates the print circular experience in a digital format, while providing new functionality that can’t be incorporated into print. Shoppers can page through the digital version as they normally would, but they also can search by product or brand to locate local store sale items, create shopping lists, create alerts for items, share deals with friends on social media, and even view videos or other product information.

For retailers, provides new opportunities to reach circular readers who are migrating from print to digital, as well as a new generation of shoppers who are more likely to shop using their mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. will be managed by the team of Group acquired the majority of Ofertia in April 2015.

“We’re excited to now bring Bonial’s leading technology to Norway. Currently we are reaching 20 million users globally within the Group and with our apps repeatedly ranking #1 in international app stores. We have proven to be a must-have for both retailers and consumers in our other markets. There we are already working for most of the leading retail chains, being the market leader in nearly all important retail markets,“ says Jaume Betrian, Executive Director and founder of  

Norway – another strategic market for Group’s business model

The Group is currently present in ten countries with kaufDA in Germany, Retale in the U.S., Bonial in France, Sweden and Denmark, Ofertia in Spain, Mexico, Chile and Colombia and Guiato in Brazil. The group has chosen Norway as the 11th country to continue its Scandinavian expansion due to the strong level of mobile Internet usage, combined with the high volume of paper brochures sent per household.

According to the first Pan-European Door Drop Census, (published by the European Letterbox Marketing Association, ELMA), Norway distributes up to 2 billion brochures per year for a total population of 5 million people. The study also showed a ranking where Norway is the second country in the world in terms of paper brochure distribution with 30 brochures per household per week. The European average is 12 brochures per household per week, so Norway distributes nearly three times as much as the European average.

ELMA researchers have analyzed the amount spent on physical door drop distribution as a percentage of the total amount spent on advertising. According to the results Norway spends 8.1% of the total advertising budget for door drop distribution in comparison to total advertising budget – the European average is 6.26%.

Furthermore, Norway has huge Internet and smartphone penetration rates. According to the World Bank, Norway has an Internet penetration of 95%. This means Norway ranks # 4 in a global comparison. Pursuant to a research of consulting firm Deloitte, the penetration of smartphones in Norway is around 87%, which is significantly higher than in the U.S. with 58%.

With the launch of its services in Norway only two weeks after its launch in Denmark and four weeks in Sweden, the Group consistently strengthens further its leadership position in the European market.

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Werbewirksamkeit: GfK, mindline energy und präsentieren Studie „Digitale Prospektwerbung im stationären Einzelhandel 2015“

Repräsentative Erhebung am Beispiel von kaufDA zu Trends und Wirkung digitaler Haushaltswerbung – Gezielte lokale Suche und hohe Kaufneigung bei digital vorbereitetem Einkauf – Click&Collect und Geofencing gewinnen bei Verbrauchern an Relevanz

Berlin, 08. September 2015 – Digitale Prospektwerbung über die Kanäle von kaufDA ( hat eine große Wirkung auf Verbraucher. Das zeigen erste Ergebnisse der Werbewirksamkeits-Studie „Digitale Prospektwerbung im stationären Einzelhandel 2015“, die nun pünktlich zur dmexco erscheint. Die Erhebung von, Teil der Axel Springer SE und führend in Deutschland, wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung (GfK) und dem renommierten Marktforschungsinstitut mindline energy durchgeführt. Im Rahmen der repräsentativen Untersuchung liefern 14.000 Nutzer des kaufDA-Netzwerks auch aktuelle Antworten auf die Frage zum Verhalten gegenüber den Informationskanälen Digital und Print. Die Studie erhebt Werte für die Branchen Lebensmitteleinzelhandel, Elektronik, Baumarkt, Mode und Möbel.

Hohe Werbewirkung bei der digitalen Einkaufsvorbereitung im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel
Im Fokus der Untersuchung steht die Wirkung der Plattform kaufDA. Das Ergebnis: 92 Prozent der Befragten im LEH-Segment planen nach der Prospektbetrachtung in den folgenden Tagen einen Einkauf. Eine zweite Befragungswelle ermittelt, dass zwei Drittel der Leser eines Digitalprospekts spätestens zwei Tage nach der Prospektbetrachtung eine Filiale aufsuchen. 69 Prozent der digitalen Prospektnutzer kaufen nach dem Lesen des LEH-Prospekts tatsächlich ein. Im Rahmen der Folgebefragung geben zwei Drittel der Käufer an, der Prospekt bei kaufDA habe stark zum Kauf beigetragen.

Trends bei Lesern digitaler Elektronik–Prospekte
Standortbezogene Auskünfte werden 2015 deutlich häufiger mit dem Smartphone erledigt: 51 Prozent der Befragten gaben an, heute gedruckte Elektronik-Prospekte seltener als noch vor einem Jahr zu nutzen. Produkte werden gemäß der Erhebung immer öfter zunächst online gesucht und dann in der Filiale gekauft. So bevorzugen 72 Prozent der Befragten den Einkauf in der Filiale gegenüber dem Online-Shop. 67 Prozent der kaufDA-Nutzer können sich vorstellen, den Filialkauf vorher online zu reservieren und damit die Click&Collect-Angebote des Handels zu nutzen. Ein weiteres Fazit: Um am Filialstandort über aktuelle Angebote informiert zu werden, würde nahezu jeder zweite Befragte ein Geofencing-Feature nutzen, um Informationen in der Nähe des Ladengeschäfts zu erhalten.

Michael Briem, Studienleiter und Geschäftsführer der mindline energy GmbH: „Aus den vorliegenden Zahlen kann man schließen, dass die Bedeutung des digitalen Prospekts im Zeitreihenvergleich zugenommen hat. Die Erhebung zeigt auch eine wachsende Offenheit gegenüber neuen technologischen Möglichkeiten zur Erleichterung der Einkaufsvorbereitung. Die Größe der Stichprobe lässt Tendenzaussagen über deutsche Smartphone-Nutzer zu.“

Christian Gaiser, CEO und Gründer der Group ( „Der Trend zur digitalen Angebotssuche vor Ort wächst weiter. Die Wahrnehmung des digitalen Prospekts verstärkt sich im Vergleich zu Print. Mit der aktuellen Erhebung weisen wir einmal mehr die Wirkungskraft der Marke kaufDA und der digitalen Prospektwerbung nach. Damit unterstützen wir Handelsunternehmen bei der Entscheidung über den Werbemitteleinsatz in ihrer Branche und möchten der steigenden Nachfrage nach digitalen Haushaltswerbe-Kampagnen Rechnung tragen.“

Auf der diesjährigen dmexco am Mittwoch/Donnerstag, den 16. und 17. September 2015 in Köln, ist mit den Marken kaufDA und MeinProspekt mit einem Stand vertreten. Treffen Sie uns in Halle 6, B018b.


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Über die Studie

Die Studie „Digitale Prospektwerbung 2015“ bietet Einzelhandel, Markenherstellern und Agenturen einen Überblick über die Nutzung und Wirkung von Prospekten auf Smartphones, Desktop und Tablets, die über den Location-based Services kaufDA abgerufen und betrachtet werden. Berücksichtigt werden die Branchen Lebensmittel, Consumer Electronics, Möbel, Mode und Baumarkt. Durchführende Institute sind die Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung (GfK) und die mindline energy GmbH.

An der InApp- und Onsite-Erhebung mit anschließender Nachbefragung nahmen zwischen Juli und August 2015 mehr als 14.000 kaufDA-Nutzer teil. Im Rahmen der Erstbefragung wurden die User zu Nutzungsmotiven und Einkaufsintentionen befragt. Die Ergebnisse der Nutzer, die eine Woche später noch einmal befragt werden konnten, wurden anschließend auf alle Befragten hochgerechnet. Hierbei gaben die Nutzer Auskunft über ihr tatsächliches Einkaufsverhalten. Die getroffenen Aussagen beziehen sich auf die User des kaufDA-Netzwerks. Daraus können Tendenzaussagen über deutsche Smartphone-Nutzer getroffen werden. Group expands to Denmark

• Denmark as a strategic market for the Group
• brings retail circular to life for Danish consumers with location- based mobile app and website, addressing shift in media consumption from print to digital
• Group now in ten countries

Copenhagen/Berlin, September 2, 2015  – The Group (, the leading international provider of digital circular advertising and part of German media company Axel Springer SE, announced today its expansion into Denmark with the launch of ( provides a mobile app and website that gives Danish consumers a digital alternative to print circulars. The digitized format pulls local retail circulars based on the user’s location, allowing shoppers to simply select, search, browse and share the circulars they find interesting.

Aiming at top retailers from across the country, replicates the print circular experience in a digital format, while providing new functionality that can’t be incorporated into print. Shoppers can page through the digital version as they normally would, but they also can search by product or brand to locate local store sale items, create shopping lists, create alerts for items, share deals with friends on social media, and even view videos or other product information.

For retailers, provides new opportunities to reach circular readers who are migrating from print to digital, as well as a new generation of shoppers who are more likely to shop using their mobile devices or tablets. will be managed by the team of Group acquired the majority of Ofertia in April 2015.

“Currently we are reaching 20 million users globally within the Group and with our apps repeatedly ranking #1 in international app stores. We have proven to be a must-have for both retailers and consumers in our other markets. There we are already working for most of the leading retail chains, being the market leader in nearly all important retail markets. We’re excited to now bring this technology to Denmark,“ says Jaume Betrian, Executive Director and founder of  

Denmark – a strategic market for Group’s business model

The Group is currently present in nine countries with kaufDA in Germany, Retale in the U.S., Bonial in France and Sweden, Ofertia in Spain, Mexico, Chile and Colombia and Guiato in Brazil. The group has chosen Denmark as the tenth country to continue its Scandinavian expansion due to the strong level of mobile Internet usage, combined with the high volume of paper brochures sent per household.

According to the first Pan-European Door Drop Census, (published by the European Letterbox Marketing Association, ELMA), Denmark distributes up to 3.4 billion brochures per year for a total population of 5.6 million people. The study also showed a ranking where Denmark is the third country in the world in terms of paper brochure distribution with 27 brochures per household per week. The European average is 12 brochures per household per week, so Denmark distributes more than twice as much as the European average.

ELMA researchers have analyzed the amount spent on physical door drop distribution as a percentage of the total amount spent on advertising. According to the results Denmark leads the ranking with 15% for door drop distribution in comparison to total advertising budget – the European average is 6.26%.

Furthermore, Denmark has huge Internet and smartphone penetration rates. According to the World Bank, Denmark has an Internet penetration of 89%, while the penetration of smartphone devices is approximately 87.5% – this means Denmark ranks # 3 in a global comparison.

With the launch of its services in Denmark only two weeks after its launch in Sweden, the Group strengthens further its leadership position in the European market.

Free images for editorial use can be downloaded here: Group expands to Sweden

• brings retail circular to life for Swedish consumers with location-based mobile app and website, addressing shift in media consumption from print to digital
•    Sweden as a strategic market for Group
• Group now in nine countries

Stockholm/Berlin, August 18, 2015  – The Group (, the leading international provider of digital circular advertising and part of German media company Axel Springer SE, announced today its expansion into Sweden with the launch of ( provides a mobile app and website that gives Swedish consumers a digital alternative to print circulars. The digitized format pulls local retail circulars based on the user’s location, allowing shoppers to simply select, search, browse and share the circulars they find interesting.

Aiming to top retailers from across the country, replicates the print circular experience in a digital format, while providing new functionality that can’t be incorporated into print. Shoppers can page through the digital version as they normally would, but they also can search by product or brand to locate local store sale items, create shopping lists, create alerts for items, share deals with friends on social media, and even view videos or other product information.

For retailers, provides new opportunities to reach circular readers who are migrating from print to digital, as well as a new generation of shoppers who are more likely to shop using their mobile devices or tablets.
“Currently we are reaching 20 million users globally with our apps repeatedly ranking #1 in international app stores. We have proven to be a must-have for both retailers and consumers in our other markets where we are already working for most of the leading retail chains, being the market leader in nearly all important retail markets. We’re excited to now bring this technology to Sweden,“ says Christian Gaiser, CEO and founder of the Group. will be managed by the team of which was acquired by the Group in April 2015.

Sweden as a strategic market for Group’s business model

The Group is currently present in eight countries with kaufDA in Germany, Retale in the U.S, Bonial in France, Ofertia in Spain, Mexico, Chile and Colombia and Guiato in Brazil. The group has chosen Sweden as the ninth country due to the strong level of digital media usage, combined with the high volume of paper brochures sent per household.

According to the first Pan-European Door Drop Census, (published by the European Letterbox Marketing Association, ELMA), Sweden distributes up to 3.5 billion brochures per year for a total population of only 10 million people. The study also showed a ranking where Sweden is the seventh country in the world in terms of paper brochure distribution with 19 brochures per household per week. The European average is 12 brochures per household per week, so Sweden distributes up to 7 more than the European average.

This data is paired with the huge Internet and smartphone penetration in Sweden. The majority of the Swedish population uses the Internet for frequently researching or purchasing online. According to the World Bank, Sweden has an Internet penetration of 94.8%, while the penetration of smartphone devices is approximately 82%, even higher than in the U.S., which are around 52%.

With the launch of its services in Sweden, the Group strengthens its leadership position in the European market.


Free images for editorial use can be downloaded here: Group startet erste TV-Kampagne für kaufDA

•    Mehr als 30 Handelspartner Teil des Werbespots, darunter C&A, Media Markt, Netto Marken-Discount, OBI sowie Real
•    Produktion der Agentur Try No Agency setzt auf Trio-Hit „Da da da“
•    Ausstrahlung von heute an auf RTL, VOX und Super RTL

kaufDA TV Spot 08-2015 - 20 sec

Berlin, 17. August 2015 – Die Group (, Pionier und eine international führende Plattform für digitale Haushaltswerbung sowie ein Unternehmen der Axel Springer SE, startet am heutigen Montag gemeinsam mit mehr als 30 Handelspartnern ihre erste landesweite TV-Kampagne für die Marke kaufDA (

Das TV-Debüt zeigt den Location-based Service als perfekten Einkaufsbegleiter: Angebotsvielfalt, zahlreiche Kategorien und aktuelle Verfügbarkeit der Produkte in Geschäften in der Nähe. Der TV-Clip, der als 20- und 7-Sekünder ausgestrahlt wird, gibt zudem einen Überblick über die größten und beliebtesten Einzelhändler der Plattform wie C&A, OBI, Media Markt, Netto Marken-Discount oder Real.

„Mit der Kampagne unterstreichen wir die starke Verbindung von Haushaltswerbung und Internet. Der TV-Spot bringt auf den Punkt, wofür kaufDA steht: Aktuelle und relevante Angebote, die den Einkauf für Verbraucher leichter und lohnender machen – abrufbar mit einer sehr einfach zu bedienenden App“, so Christian Gaiser, CEO und Gründer der Group. „Zuschauer schätzen Marken, die auch im Fernsehen stattfinden. Deshalb haben wir uns für TV-Werbung entschieden. Mit dem Werbespot wollen wir die Markenwahrnehmung von kaufDA erhöhen und weitere App-Downloads erzielen. Wir freuen uns insbesondere, gemeinsam mit unseren zahlreichen Handelspartnern on Air zu gehen.“

Der Werbefilm legt den Fokus auf den Wert der Einfachheit. So liefert der kultige Trio-Hit „Da da da“ die Musik zur TV-Offensive. Für Konzeption und Umsetzung zeichnet die Agentur Try No Agency verantwortlich. Der Spot ist ab sofort auf RTL, Vox und Super RTL zu sehen.

Die Group erreicht mit der in Deutschland führende Vermarktungsplattform und ihren Marken kaufDA und MeinProspekt 8 Millionen Nutzer pro Monat. wird auch auf der dmexco in Köln im September 2015 vertreten sein.

kaufDA TV Spot 8-2015 - 7 sec

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Quelle: Group names new CFO

Former Zalando manager Niels Boon joins the executive team at the international market leader in digital circulars

Berlin, June 2, 2015 – The Group (, the leading international provider of digital circular advertising and part of Axel Springer SE, announced today that Niels Boon had been named the group’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Niels Boon, who is originally from the Netherlands, will take over as the head of the worldwide group’s financial strategy and planning activities as of July 1, 2015. He is succeeding Michael Wilken, who is leaving the company at his own request.

Niels Boon, an experienced finance expert, is joining the company from itembase Inc., a software company based in San Francisco and Berlin. He held the position of CFO there, with responsibility for the Investor Relations, Finance, Legal, and Human Resources departments. Before that, Boon successfully headed the development of the Strategic Finance department for Zalando SE and led high-profile and important projects in the areas of profitability management, corporate finance, M&A, and competitive intelligence. He also spent many years in strategic top management consulting at McKinsey & Company, with responsibility for strategy and corporate finance in numerous economic sectors and markets. Boon earned his Master of Sciences degree in International Financial Economics from the University of Amsterdam.

Christian Gaiser, CEO and founder of the Group: “Niels Boon is not only an investment strategist, but has also successfully supported rapidly developing technology companies in recent years and understands the far-reaching tasks ahead of us. The Group is now entering a new phase in its international growth. We are delighted that Niels is part of our international leadership team and will contribute his experience toward our future development and the expansion of our global presence.”

Michael Wilken joined the Group in 2010 and most recently held the position of Vice President of Finance. Gaiser says of the shift, “Michael Wilken supported the expansion of the group in a leading role. I would like to thank him for his valuable contribution to the success of the Group and wish him all the best in his new role.”

Press image materials are available free of charge at:

About Group Group belongs to Axel Springer SE and has been offering professional solutions for high street retail in the area of location-based services since the start-up of kaufDA in 2008 and as an innovation engine defines the future of digital circular advertising. In only six years the group was able to become an internationally leading network for location-based brochure advertising. Today Group reaches consumers on eight markets around the world with its mobile apps and websites: USA, Germany, France, Brazil, Spain, Mexico, Colombia and Chile. In Germany the brands kaufDA and MeinProspekt with to date more than 12 billion visited circular pages and 8 million users per month make up the largest consumer reach combination in their sector. The German founder Christian Gaiser is at the head of Group as CEO.

kaufDA unterstützt Initiative „Dialogplattform Einzelhandel“ des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums

Dialogreihe zur Zukunft des stationären Einzelhandels im Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie in Berlin

Berlin, 19. Mai 2015 – Technologische Neuerungen und Digitalisierung verändern die Handelslandschaft in Deutschland nachhaltig. Das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) veranstaltet auf Initiative des Bundesministers Sigmar Gabriel erstmals die „Dialogplattform Einzelhandel“, bei der politische Vertreter, Handel, Verbände und digitale Experten vorhandenes Wissen bündeln, Perspektiven aufzeigen und Lösungsansätze entwickeln. kaufDA (, Marktführer für digitale Prospektwerbung in Deutschland und ein Unternehmen der Group ( sowie Teil der Axel Springer SE, nimmt als Vertreter des Segments standortbezogener Dienste an der Dialogreihe teil und bringt sein Wissen als digitales, international expandierendes Unternehmen an der Schnittstelle zum Einzelhandel ein.

Sigmar Gabriel, Stellvertretender Bundeskanzler und Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Energie: „Der Einzelhandel hat eine enorme Bedeutung für unsere Volkswirtschaft. Mit der Dialogplattform Einzelhandel will die Bundesregierung unter anderem stationäre Einzelhändler dabei unterstützen, die Chancen der Digitalisierung zu ergreifen. Digitale Unternehmen sind dafür wichtig; sie können dem Handel helfen, praktische digitale Strategien für die Zukunft anzubieten.“

Christian Gaiser, CEO und Gründer der Group: „Das kaufDA-Modell aus Deutschland stärkt heute erfolgreich den Einzelhandel in acht wichtigen Märkten weltweit und steht damit für die Chancen der digitalen Transformation. Die Dialogplattform des Bundesministeriums begrüßen wir als Initiative von politischer Ebene und als ein Forum für Handels- und Onlinekompetenz.“

Noch im Mai 2015 findet der erste Workshop zum Themenkreis "Digitalisierung und technologische Herausforderungen" statt. Er steht unter dem Titel "Handel im digitalen Zeitalter und seine Anforderungen" und findet im Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie in Berlin statt.

Die Group hat im Februar 2015 ein Unternehmensressort für Institutionen und Verbände etabliert. Unter der Leitung von Marc Biadacz wird der Dialog rund um die Gattung „Digitale Haushaltswerbung“ mit Entscheidern aus Handel, Verbänden und Politik gestärkt.

Informationen zur Initiative „Dialogplattform Einzelhandel“ des BMWi sind abrufbar unter: einzelhandel.html

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Summary in English:

Press release: kaufDA is going to support the initiative "Dialogue Platform Retail" of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy.

See the press release (German version) with a quote from Sigmar Gabriel, Germany's Vice-Chancellor:


Axel Springer and kaufDA founders will fund mobile shopping platform Retale with additional $12 million

Investment is part of a $18 million fundraise for Retale’s parent company, Group

CHICAGO/BERLIN (May 04, 2015) – Retale (, a location-based mobile platform connecting more than 3.5 million shoppers with their favorite major retailers locally and based on the German kaufDA business model (, today announced it has secured $12 million in funding from its existing investor base among which Axel Springer SE, the leading digital publisher in Europe, holds the largest stake. The funding for Retale is part of an overall $18 million shareholder investment in Group (, Retale’s parent company and an international leader in web and mobile advertising solutions for retail. Axel Springer’s investment is part of its already announced plan, made in March 2015, to further invest in the international expansion of Group, most notably in the U.S.

“In the U.S., retail circulars are a staple of the print media industry,” said Christian Gaiser, Chief Executive Officer and founder of Group. “However, as mobile adoption continues to flourish, consumers are increasingly migrating to digital channels for in-store deals and discounts. Retale is at the forefront of this evolution, enabling retailers to navigate new digital terrain, and we feel strongly about the potential for future growth.”

“Axel Springer’s investment in Retale underlines the extraordinary growth potential of the category, as well as our unique ability to facilitate it through our own platform,” said Pat Dermody, President of Retale. “Circulars are increasingly consumed digitally and the support will enable our business to scale as needed to accommodate the demand we are seeing from consumers and retailers alike.”

Retale replicates the print circular experience in a digital format, providing shoppers with access to in- store deals and promotions through the Retale website and mobile app. All information is location- based, making it possible for shoppers to find the right deal at a store nearby. For retailers, Retale provides new opportunities to reach circular readers who are migrating from print-to-digital, as well as a new generation of shoppers who are more likely to shop in-store while using smartphones or tablets to support them.
As the demand for digital circulars and mobile adoption continue to grow in tandem, Retale has experienced impressive growth since its October 2013 launch, with more than 3.5 million users in just over a year. To meet the demand for circulars through its platform, Retale has grown its retail partners by more than 664 percent, representing over 130 of the country’s largest retailers, including JCPenney,

Kohl’s, Target and Toy“R“Us. In a recent study, nearly 75 percent of smartphone users claimed to have viewed a retail circular in the past 30 days, with 50 percent of those doing so on a mobile device. The findings confirm a strong and rapid digital migration path for the traditionally print-based retail cornerstone.

See also TechCrunch: Axel Springer and kaufDA founders will fund mobile shopping platform Retale with additional $12 million – Investment is part of a $18 million fundraise for Retale’s parent company, Group…